o Myringotomy with or without grommet insertion
o Removal of ear foreign bodies
o Aural packing o Myringoplasty/Tympanoplasty
o Otomicroscope surgery
o Examination of the nose
o Rigid and flexible nasal endoscopy
o Nasal cautery (anterior and posterior) to stop epistaxis
o Submucosal diathermy (SMD) of turbinates
o Turbinate reduction via radiofrequency (RF) or turbinectomy
o Antral wash
o Nasal fracture reduction under sedation
o Removal of nasal foreign bodies
o Septoplasty
o Evacuation of septal hematoma
o Sinus endoscopy (rigid and fibro-optic)
o Tonsillectomy
o Adenoidectomy
o Quinsy/peritonsillar abscess drainage
o Tongue tie release
o Oropharynx examination and biopsy
o Direct flexible laryngoscopy under local anesthesia
o Microlaryngoscopic excision of vocal cord lesions
o Voice restoration procedures
o Tracheostomy
o Rigid bronchoscopy for foreign body removal
o Full audiological diagnostic procedures
o Pure Tone Audiogram (PTA)
o Speech audiometry
o Tympanometry with stapedial reflex and tone decay tests
o Eustachian tube function tests
o Otoacoustic emissions testing
o Auditory brainstem response testing (with or without sedation)
o Hearing aid assessment and programing
o Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) testing
o Rotary chair tests
o Particle reposition maneuvers for BPPV
o Dix-Hallpike tests
o Romberg tests
o Unterberger and Toe-Heel tests
o Posture assessment
o Vestibular rehabilitation exercises
Our commitment is to provide exceptional, compassionate care to KMC patients and serve the our community with excellence and respect.